In the bookstore of the Forum Minority Research Institute, customers can buy books and journals published by the Institute as a publisher.
The Publishing Department´s role within the structure of the Institute is somewhat unconventional as it is interdependent with all the other departments: a significant part of their research results is made public in the Institute´s editions. Most of the Department´s activities are concentrated on two main areas: book publishing and journal publishing.
The books present the results of the Institute’s ongoing professional activities, most often as the culmination of several years of research. The Hungarian-language Fórum Társadalomtudományi Szemle [Forum Social Science Review] mainly presents ongoing research on ethnic minority issues, with a quarterly periodicity. The journal also has a Slovak version—the Fórum spoločenskovedná revue—, it is a selection of the Hungarian issues published earlier.
The profile and subject matter of the Publishing Department’s books follow the activities of the Institute’s departments, with the vast majority of the volumes dealing with the history, ethnography, sociology, language, identity, rights, etc. of the Hungarians in Slovakia.
The same academic disciplines are represented in the journal Fórum Társadalomtudományi Szemle.
Synergia CSS s.r.o.
Parková 4, 931 01 Šamorín,
Slovak Republic
IČO: 35811544, DIČ: 2021574566
IČ DPH: SK2021574566
2928867145/1100, Tatra Banka a.s.
IBAN: SK73 1100 0000 0029 2886 7145
- Melinda Roncz :
@ ,@ - Telefónne číslo: +421-908-400-498
Publishing department
- Gábor Csanda:
@ - Ildikó Haraszti: